Sunday, October 11, 2009

Haircuts and Hangers

Over the course of my life there have two major sources of contention in my household: hair and clothes. Given most of these resulted between my mom and sister, we have all learned to tread lightly when approaching these subjects. For this reason my father almost never does laundry. It's not that he wouldn't like to do it to help my mom (he is a pretty good husband), but he does it wrong. He's colorblind and just tends to do it wrong. He just has to fill in elsewhere. This is why I almost always do my own laundry and cut my own hair. I am terrified that I am going to have someone give me a bad haircut and then I will be mad at them. I can't handle that pressure.

Changing gears a little, I am a little anal retentive about some things. This has substantially decreased over the years, but it's still there. It directs an awful lot of what I do on a day to day basis. One of those things is my closet. I hate that in so many closets there are fifty different shapes and colors of hangers. I have one. Black. Just black. I will throw away anything else that sneaks it's way in.

And the last thing, I decided a little while ago that I wouldn't wash any of my shirts until I wore everything that I have hanging up in my closet. It has been not quite two months I think, but yesterday was the last day, I wore the last one.

Yesterday was also my birthday, I am now twenty-five. It was a good enough birthday, and I came home early to catch Ariana and Tyler in my room (luckily they were behaving...). They left me some M&M's in my room and stuff. I thought that that was all until I walked into my closet this morning. All of my shirts were washed and hanging up.

Now I know I should be thinking, "That's so nice of them," which did go through my head, but what I really am thinking is, "Did you dry all of my t-shirts?" I am terrified that all my shirts shrunk. I know they didn't have time to hang dry them, and none of those shirts had ever seen a dryer previously. It is almost more than I can do to not think about it. And they are now all on pink hangers. Which I can switch.

Anyways I feel bad cause I know I should be grateful and I know they were trying to be nice. But it is almost too much for me to even look into my closet right now. I am just a little worried...


Bridget "Fun" Lynott said...


Married people should stay to their own laundry.

kristine [kristine. or polly.] said...

HAHAHA. I never let anyone do my laundry either because I hang dry my stuff too. I am completely paranoid about my clothes shrinking. But that WAS nice of them...

bradleyjohn said...

Polly, exactly how small would you have to buy clothes so that if they shrunk they still wouldn't fit you?

Sweet Em said...

Wait - if they are ALL on pink hangers then what is the problem?

Happy Birthday.

Marcie said...

Happy late bday!!! And Brock totally feels your Dad's pain. :)